Calling all 3 – 12 year olds! Get ready for some fun Bible songs, amazing Bible stories to tell your friends and parents, exciting crafts to bring home, and verses to learn from the Bible. Excited teachers are waiting for your arrival so they can share important truths from the Bible such as obedience, sharing, being kind, and best of all, who Jesus is!
All Services

At every service, our nursery ministry provides safe, clean, and well staffed nurseries for children two years old and under.
Birth-3 Years Old
Time & Location
All Services
Main Building - C Wing
sunday mornings

Sunday's are an exciting time at New Hope. The day begins at 9:45am with Sunday School where teens learn age appropriate Bible lessons and principles. Children's church begins at 10:45am. This service is complete with skits, praying, singing, competition, & preaching that is geared specifically to and for children!
3-12 Years Old
Time & Location
Sunday School, 9:45am
Youth Building - A Wing
Children's Worship, 10:45am
Youth Building - Sanctuary

Wednsday Evenings
Master Clubs is a program designed for children ages 3 through 6th grade. In this exciting program, young people have the opportunity to hear bible teaching and preaching, earn merit badges, plan games, eat snacks, & enjoy coming to church on Wednesday! All of the Master Clubs program and curriculum is sectioned into age appropriate materials and settings.
3-12 Years Old
Time & Location
Wednesdays, 7:00pm
Youth Building - A & B Wings